With winter comes snow, ice and freezing temperatures that make you glad your home has a working gas furnace. Just make sure your current heating system is not only operable, but in optimal condition as well. This way, you can enjoy high levels of heat while ensuring better safety and energy efficiency. In this post, Econoair Heating & Cooling Inc., the premier expert in furnace and AC repair, shares some handy tips that will help keep your home and family safe this winter.
Check your carbon monoxide (CO) detectors. Run a self-test on your CO detectors so you know they still have power. If they don’t, you just need to change the batteries. On the off chance you don’t have carbon monoxide detectors yet, have them installed immediately. A functioning CO detector goes a long way in ensuring your family’s safety.
Invest in regular maintenance before winter progresses further. Regular maintenance is one of the most essential steps in preparing your gas furnace for the early days of winter. Professional inspection and maintenance by a local expert in furnace installation and repairs can help catch any developing issue in the system early enough to allow for a prompt solution. By dealing with potential hazards or leaks quickly, you can keep your home safe while keeping your gas furnace in good shape at the same time.
Change or clean the air filter. Gas furnaces come with a filter that blocks debris from entering the system. This filter becomes clogged over time, however, so it should be cleaned every month or so. You may also need to change it if the existing one is already old and failing. Another tip: keep the area around your gas furnace clear of any obstructions.
Immediately schedule repairs at the first sign of trouble. If an issue arises with your gas furnace, have it attended to promptly. Just contact Econoair Heating & Cooling, your reliable furnace repair company, and we’ll fix your system and prevent it from becoming a safety issue. To keep your gas furnace working efficiently all year ’round, we also offer a comprehensive maintenance and protection plan.
Look no further than Econoair Heating & Cooling for all your heating and cooling needs. We serve homeowners in and around Greater Toronto. Call us today at 905-763-2400 or fill out this contact form to get a free estimate.