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Is your HVAC unit acting up? If your answer is yes, then there’s a good chance that you’ve already contacted an HVAC technician. But what if for some reason you think the technician’s feedback and suggestions are off base? Today we’re taking a look at when is the right time to seek the aid of an AC repair specialist for a second opinion about your HVAC unit.

When the initial technician barely looks at the unit

Have you ever wondered how a technician came to the conclusion to suggest a drastic solution like a total replacement after inspecting only a few things on your unit? Some technicians tend to apply a “blanket” fix to units that may work but isn’t always cost-effective. If you think that’s the case, get a second opinion from more thorough technicians like us.

When the initial technician suggests replacing major components

Suppose technician #1 actually took the time to examine your unit and discovered that you need ro replace a few major parts, should you do it right away? According to experts, it might be worth asking another technician for a second opinion. In some cases, a second opinion from an AC and furnace repair expert could mean the difference between an expensive fix and a more affordable alternative.

When the initial technician acts like a newbie

You know the type; someone that needs a lot of time to figure out how to disassemble your unit and second-guesses their initial diagnosis. Perhaps they may come up with a viable explanation for your problem, but some input from a more experienced HVAC company like us could help you arrive at a better solution.

When a second opinion Isn’t necessary

There are some cases when getting a second opinion isn’t necessary. For example, if the AC and furnace installation specialist says that you need to replace a few minor parts, this is usually minor enough not to warrant a visit from a second technician. Regular maintenance checks are also simple enough to forego asking for a second conclusion.

If you’re looking for input from a certified HVAC specialist, we’re here for you. Econoair Heating & Cooling Inc. is the leading AC and furnace repair company in the area. You can call us at 905-763-2400 or fill out this contact form to request a quote.

Author Bio

Bruce Pou