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Office arguments over temperature settings have finally been settled thanks to a recent study published in The report provided evidence to support that women truly do require higher temperatures than men in order to work more comfortably and productively. This is why a ductless installation for air conditioning and heating must always take into consideration the different physiological temperature needs of the two sexes in order to fully maximize comfort.

Workplace Temperatures Affect Performance

Let our experienced heating and cooling experts at Econoair Heating & Cooling give you some tips on how to use this to your advantage and build a cozy working environment for men and women alike.

The Effect of One Degree

The study showed that a mere change of one degree in temperature can have pretty notable effects on a person’s ability to concentrate and answer questions. This is compounded by the fact that temperature preferences in an air conditioner install can vary by a large margin. This means that adjusting the temperature in a work environment is far more complex than simply turning the thermostat up or down.

Programmable Thermostats

One solution is to use a programmable thermostat to automatically make changes based on the preferences of whomever is in the office. However, the best way to truly accommodate all people is to designate areas with different temperatures. One drawback to this, however, is that it will require some space investment, and small offices might not be able to carry it out.

Comfort and Performance

When planning out an AC or boiler install, the comfort of the people who will ultimately be the end-users of the space  should always be a top priority. Discuss options with your HVAC specialists to figure out a solution to common temperature problems.

Get high-quality, reliable HVAC service from our skilled technicians at Econoair Heating & Cooling. We’re your leading provider of heating, cooling and air quality solutions. Give us a call at 905-763-2400 or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation and request a free estimate today.

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Bruce Pou

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