Much of your comfort at home relies on how well your heating and cooling systems work. In addition to proper installation, regular maintenance should also be observed so your systems can continue operating safely and efficiently throughout the year. This includes furnace tune-up inspections. It’s important to schedule a visit from a furnace repair contractor before wintertime to ensure optimal comfort during this frosty season.

Why Furnace Tune-Ups Are Important

Composed of electronic controls and machinery, a furnace is a complex system that takes skill and experience to properly assess. For instance, a technician will need to use special equipment to monitor combustible gases and check for leakage if your system runs on gas or propane. Keep in mind that not every package includes all possible tune-up procedures. If you choose a budget package and your system needs more repairs or maintenance, a licensed technician will advise you of this requirement in a written report.

There are a few tune-up procedures that don’t necessarily require the professional skills of a furnace installation specialist, such as checking and cleaning filters, which should happen more frequently than once a year.

A Furnace Tune-Up Involves a Detailed Inspection

The technician should perform a thorough inspection to catch potential problems before they rapidly cause costly repairs or a full-scale furnace breakdown. Here are some things you can expect them to do:

Econoair Heating & Cooling Inc. is a leading source of high-quality HVAC solutions. We work with residential clients and provide services such as furnace inspections, AC repairs and more. Call us at 905-763-2400 or fill out this contact form to set up an appointment.

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Bruce Pou

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